Directory Pricing
Multiple Listings ($100.00)Bulk Sale: Ten Enhanced Microsites and 10 Directory Listings for a Year ($100 per year)
Directory Listing with Enhanced Microsite ($3.00)One Year: Directory Listing with Enhanced Microsite and online tools to promote your business. We will promote your business and bring 1,000 visitors. Enhanced Directory Listing with Enhanced Microsite & Marketing Services Per Year ($10.00)ONE YEAR Featured Listing: We will enhance your Microsite [add more pictures, video, coupon, menu- if applicable) and provide digital marketing tools to promote your business.
We will promote your business and bring 3,000 visitors.
Featured Directory Listing with Enhanced Microsite & Marketing Services ($30.00)Featured Listing: We will enhance your Free Microsite and feature the Directory Listing to promote your business and bring 5,000 visitors.