The indictment of 12 Russian military intelligence agents last week, on charges they hacked into Democratic National Committee and other servers during the 2016 campaign, raises questions about the timing of the announcement and the work of the hackers themselves. The news came on the eve of the Trump-Putin summit.
Why then?
The president was told of the indictments before he traveled. Yet the plain effect of the announcement was to raise further doubts about the wisdom of the meeting—and perhaps to shape its agenda. Neither is the business of the special counsel or anyone else at the Justice Department. The department has a longstanding policy that would seem to apply: Prosecutors are supposed to consider the impact of their actions on significant events outside the criminal-justice system and to act with due diffidence.
From a law-enforcement standpoint, there was nothing urgent about these indictments. All 12 defendants are in Russia; none are likely ever to see the inside of a U.S. courtroom.
After 18 months of constant hounding by Mueller investigation of charges of collusion with the Russians, Trump Administration has become the most effective administration since FDR’s first term.
And it’s being accomplished in the face of the so-called “resistance,” which includes the overt hostility of nearly all the mainstream media, the embedded civil service, the Democrats, the never-Trump Republicans, rogue elements of the intelligence and investigative agencies and Robert Mueller’s investigation into charges of “collusion” with the Russians.
What Evidence?
Trump knows, more than you and I do, that there was no hacking of DNC and Hillary servers and e-mails. If there was, were the hell are DNC servers [managed by Muslim brothers] and Hillary Clinton Servers [managed by third party] with 33,000 Hillary e-mails and 14 smartphones used by Hillary.
Putin has offered Trump to jointly conduct, by American and Russian DOJ, the investigation and prosecute the alleged Russian hackers. Allegations and incitements by U.S. DOJ must be proven in the court of law. Putin has offered to cooperate and help as a joint effort.
Trump was not officially nominated as the Republican Party presidential candidate until July 19, 2016. Russian cyber attack operatives did not just wake up on July 19th to start hacking Hillary Clinton’s private server. Hillary Clinton was communicating and conducting confidential U.S. National security business on a private server. It was illegal [and subject of DOJ investigation] and the most vulnerable to cyber hacking.
Russian cyber attack operatives were also attacking the RNC communications infrastructure as well, and had been doing so long before July 19th. If you want to blame someone, then blame your beloved Obama for being ignorant, negligent and just plain talk and no action.
Before you go calling Trump a “traitor”, go look at yourself in the mirror first and you’ll see an ignorant hypocrite.
American FBI and DOJ have no credibility after the incredible bias shown against Trump in 2016 election. And all these charges of collusion with Russia are utter nonsense, when there is no evidence after 18 months of investigation. Until such time DNC and Hillary servers are found and the missing 33,000 Hillary e-mails are located... the allegations of hacking by Russians is total fake.
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