Network 100,000 Town Squares of the World
Advertise your Business & Events Cost Free
Join Ad Rev Share Program to Earn $300 to $3,000 Monthly
[Projected: 100 million members by 2020 & $1 billion in shared revenues]
How it Works:
- Register at LeRumba for free micro website & directory listing;
- Upgrade to featured listing ($20) & get 2,000 visitors to website;
- Sign-up free at Ad Rev Share Program to earn monthly income;
- Buy/sell AdPacks [for $70 each] to earn 50% commission;
- In 180 days: earn $300 to $3,000 monthly;
- Refer a paid member to earn up to 50% commissions, 20% over-ride on referrals and one Phantom Stock in LeRumba;
- Networking is optional, but earnings;
- Earnings max to $3,000 per month;
- Get foot traffic and 100,000+ clicks to website in first 12 months.
That's the magic of daily compounding and social media that pays for likes and clicks in the trillion dollar global advertising market.
Here’s the elevator pitch…
Did you know how Facebook and Google make billions each quarter in advertising revenues? Well it’s no secret…
- When you click on Facebook ads… Facebook makes $1.50 per click and $1 per 1,000 ad views.
- When you click on Google ads… Google makes over $2.50 per click and $1.50 per 1,000 ad views.
Now let me ask you…
You created the content and you made the clicks… but how much of that $2.50 per click on Google or $1.50 per click on Facebook was shared with you?
Nada… Zero!!!
Well, that’s about to change with LeRumba...
LeRumba is a global marketing, social media, and real time Twitter feed platform with one-click custom Google searches for what's important in life. It is a multimedia communications hub and e-Commerce portal-- with 50,000 virtual Town Squares for the world-- that allow anyone to earn daily income from global Ad revenues that are approaching a trillion dollars per year.
Working together, we see the potential of attracting over a billion active members globally. This will create massive global web traffic, and millions of businesses around the globe could consume such traffic for their business at a very reasonable cost─ or at zero cost when they become active Ad Revenue Sharing members. Now, that would bring about a paradigm shift in social media that pays and help distribute the billions of Ad dollars among the consumers rather than the handful social media giants like Facebook, Google, and Yahoo etc…
We call this: “Democratization of Social Media”. Ironically, social media was supposed to be a democratic beast by its very nature. However, it has evolved in such a way that only a handful of companies benefit financially as they have figured out the way to monetize it massively.
We are working to force a paradigm shift...
... and building local communities of business advertisers and consumers at a global scale, reaching into billions. That will give the local businesses the web traffic they want, and you the consumers & marketers the opportunity to make multiple streams of second income.
With proper filters and Geo targeting, ads from local businesses will be seen by local communities of members.
Step 1: Sign-up for FAP Rev Share Program: Yes! I Want Traffic
Step 2: Check Your Daily Earning Potential: Revenue Share Calculator
Step 3: Register & Create Free LeRumba Micro Website: Create Business Listing
Step 4: Use Free Tools to Promote Your Business: DIY Marketing Center