Engineering Consultant: provides engineering-related services such as design, supervision, execution, repair, operation, maintenance, technology, creation of drawings and specifications, and make recommendations to public, companies, firms and industries.
Field of Expertise: Oil and gas pipe lines & machinery.
Areas of Engagement: United States and Worldwide.
Typical Maintenance Engineering Responsibilities:
- Assure optimization of the Maintenance Organization structure.
- Analysis of repetitive equipment failures.
- Estimation of maintenance costs and evaluation of alternatives.
- Forecasting of spare parts inventory.
- Assessing the needs for equipment replacements and establish replacement programs when due.
- Application of scheduling and project management principles to replacement programs.
- Assessing required maintenance tools and skills for efficient maintenance of equipment.
- Assessing skills required for maintenance personnel.
- Reviewing personnel transfers to and from maintenance organizations.
- Assessing and reporting safety hazards associated with maintenance of equipment.
Work experience as a maintenance engineer, engineer or assistant superintendent leading to an understanding of the technical knowledge described above....
James Bryant - Consultant
15530 Ella Boulevard, Houston, TX
United States